08-26-13 Bird Field Note

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08-26-13 Bird Field Note

August 26, 2013

Kate Stone's Field Note shows a great horned owl, Clark's nutcrackers, and bird banding with the Avian Science Center

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Kate Stone Field Note 08-16-13

9 We detected fewer migrants during this week’s shrubby draw surveys, though we still saw large groups of vesper sparrows. Several flocks of Clark’s nutcrackers foraged in the pines. Usually a noisy bird, these nutcrackers were mostly silent.

Mountain chickadees

chickadees This young Lewis’s woodpecker needs to molt a few more feathers before turning into a beautiful adult.

Great horned owl

owl A red-tailed hawk flies across the northern center pivot field with a large snake.

Some of the same water resources that attract bats also attract birds. These vesper sparrows joined chipping sparrows, spotted towhees, and a gray catbird at the Whaley Draw spring one evening. The group disappeared soon after dusk.

Some of the same water resources that attract bats also attract birds. These vesper sparrows joined chipping sparrows, spotted towhees, and a gray catbird at the Whaley Draw spring one evening. The group disappeared soon after dusk.

Clockwise from top: (1) A hatch-year Orange-crowned Warbler, (2) Trish teaching Ben how to do the bander’s grip with a recaptured Gray Catbird, (3) A group of UM and high school teachers attending a science and math teaching workshop led by Professor Hutto of UM.

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