Block title
Showing Results For:
- Field Note
- American robin
- Bald eagle
- Belted kingfisher
- Black-billed magpie
- Black-capped chickadee
- BuffleheadÂ
- Canada goose
- Common goldeneye
- Common merganser
- Common raven
- Dark-eyed junco
- Downy woodpecker
- European starling
- Golden eagle
- Gray jay
- Great blue heron
- Great horned owl
- Hairy woodpecker
- Horned lark
- House sparrow
- KilldeerÂ
- Long-eared owl
- Mountain bluebird
- Mountain chickadee
- Mourning dove
- Northern harrier
- Northern shrike
- Pygmy nuthatch
- Red-breasted nuthatch
- Red-tailed hawk
- Rock Pigeon
- Rough-legged hawk
- Ruffed grouse
- Sharp-shinned hawk
- Spotted towhee
- Tree swallow
- Western meadowlark
- White-breasted nuthatch
- Wild turkey
- Wood duck
- creeping buttercup
- littleleaf buttercup
Sort by
Late May 2021 Breeding Bird Point Counts
June 1st, 2021
Field Note
2020 Breeding Bird Surveys
September 14th, 2020
Field Note
Research Projects
- Avian Ecology (176) Apply Avian Ecology filter
- Biocrusts, Lichen and Moss (1) Apply Biocrusts, Lichen and Moss filter
- Mammals (58) Apply Mammals filter
- Plant Phenology (7) Apply Plant Phenology filter
- Range Restoration (22) Apply Range Restoration filter
- Reptiles and Amphibians (7) Apply Reptiles and Amphibians filter
- Soils, Plants and Invasion (76) Apply Soils, Plants and Invasion filter
- Vegetation Monitoring (3) Apply Vegetation Monitoring filter
- There are no available items that begin with these letters.
Block title
- alfalfa (6) Apply alfalfa filter
- American Badger (3) Apply American Badger filter
- American Beaver (12) Apply American Beaver filter
- American Bullfrog (3) Apply American Bullfrog filter
- American goldfinch (12) Apply American goldfinch filter
- American harebell (1) Apply American harebell filter
- American kestrel (48) Apply American kestrel filter
- American Marten (1) Apply American Marten filter
- American pipit (6) Apply American pipit filter
- American redstart (7) Apply American redstart filter
- (-) Remove American robin filter American robin
- American tree sparrow (7) Apply American tree sparrow filter
- American wigeon (1) Apply American wigeon filter
- annual sunflower (1) Apply annual sunflower filter
- ant (1) Apply ant filter
- antelope bitterbrush (30) Apply antelope bitterbrush filter
- Aphids (1) Apply Aphids filter
- arrowleaf balsamroot (24) Apply arrowleaf balsamroot filter
- aspen (1) Apply aspen filter
- aspen fleabane (4) Apply aspen fleabane filter
- Asters (1) Apply Asters filter
- awlfruit sedge (1) Apply awlfruit sedge filter
- (-) Remove Bald eagle filter Bald eagle
- ball head waterleaf (3) Apply ball head waterleaf filter
- ballhead sandwort (1) Apply ballhead sandwort filter
- Bank swallow (1) Apply Bank swallow filter
- Bark Beetles (1) Apply Bark Beetles filter
- Barn swallow (1) Apply Barn swallow filter
- basin wildrye (13) Apply basin wildrye filter
- bastard toadflax (2) Apply bastard toadflax filter
- bay forget-me-not (1) Apply bay forget-me-not filter
- Bear (1) Apply Bear filter
- beargrass (1) Apply beargrass filter
- bebb's willow (1) Apply bebb's willow filter
- Bees (2) Apply Bees filter
- beetle (1) Apply beetle filter
- (-) Remove Belted kingfisher filter Belted kingfisher
- bessey's locoweed (1) Apply bessey's locoweed filter
- biennial cinquefoil (1) Apply biennial cinquefoil filter
- Big Brown Bat (3) Apply Big Brown Bat filter
- big sagebrush (6) Apply big sagebrush filter
- big seed biscuitroot (5) Apply big seed biscuitroot filter
- bitter brush (2) Apply bitter brush filter
- bitterroot (8) Apply bitterroot filter
- Black Bear (10) Apply Black Bear filter
- (-) Remove Black-billed magpie filter Black-billed magpie
- (-) Remove Black-capped chickadee filter Black-capped chickadee
- Black-chinned Hummingbird (11) Apply Black-chinned Hummingbird filter
- black cottonwood (12) Apply black cottonwood filter
- black hawthorn (8) Apply black hawthorn filter
- Black-headed grosbeak (10) Apply Black-headed grosbeak filter
- bladder campion (1) Apply bladder campion filter
- blanket flower (10) Apply blanket flower filter
- blazing-star (3) Apply blazing-star filter
- blazingstar (1) Apply blazingstar filter
- blister sedge (1) Apply blister sedge filter
- blue elderberry (3) Apply blue elderberry filter
- blue-eyed grass (1) Apply blue-eyed grass filter
- blue-eyed mary (3) Apply blue-eyed mary filter
- blue gramma grass (3) Apply blue gramma grass filter
- bluebird (1) Apply bluebird filter
- bluebunch wheatgrass (5) Apply bluebunch wheatgrass filter
- bluegrass (3) Apply bluegrass filter
- Bobcat (2) Apply Bobcat filter
- Bohemian waxwing (5) Apply Bohemian waxwing filter
- Bonneville shootingstar (4) Apply Bonneville shootingstar filter
- Brewer's blackbird (4) Apply Brewer's blackbird filter
- Brewer's sparrow (1) Apply Brewer's sparrow filter
- broadleaf arnica (3) Apply broadleaf arnica filter
- Brook Trout (1) Apply Brook Trout filter
- Brown creeper (3) Apply Brown creeper filter
- Brown-headed cowbird (7) Apply Brown-headed cowbird filter
- Brown Trout (1) Apply Brown Trout filter
- Brush-footed Butterflies (1) Apply Brush-footed Butterflies filter
- (-) Remove Bufflehead filter BuffleheadÂ
- bull thistle (2) Apply bull thistle filter
- Bull Trout (1) Apply Bull Trout filter
- Bullock's oriole (12) Apply Bullock's oriole filter
- Bullsnake (5) Apply Bullsnake filter
- bur oak (3) Apply bur oak filter
- buttercup (5) Apply buttercup filter
- California Myotis (2) Apply California Myotis filter
- California Quail (1) Apply California Quail filter
- Calliope hummingbird (16) Apply Calliope hummingbird filter
- calypso orchid (1) Apply calypso orchid filter
- canada goldenrod (3) Apply canada goldenrod filter
- (-) Remove Canada goose filter Canada goose
- Canada thistle (3) Apply Canada thistle filter
- Cassin's finch (2) Apply Cassin's finch filter
- Cassin's vireo (3) Apply Cassin's vireo filter
- cattail (1) Apply cattail filter
- Cedar waxwing (19) Apply Cedar waxwing filter
- cheatgrass (13) Apply cheatgrass filter
- Chipping sparrow (18) Apply Chipping sparrow filter
- chokecherry (25) Apply chokecherry filter
- Cicadas (1) Apply Cicadas filter
- cinquefoil (1) Apply cinquefoil filter
- Clark's nutcracker (13) Apply Clark's nutcracker filter
- Clarkia (1) Apply Clarkia filter
- Clay-colored sparrow (1) Apply Clay-colored sparrow filter
- Cliff swallow (2) Apply Cliff swallow filter
- clustered broom-rape (1) Apply clustered broom-rape filter
- coil-beaked lousewort (2) Apply coil-beaked lousewort filter
- Columbia Spotted Frog (1) Apply Columbia Spotted Frog filter
- Columbian Ground Squirrel (7) Apply Columbian Ground Squirrel filter
- common alumroot (2) Apply common alumroot filter
- common dandelion (1) Apply common dandelion filter
- common fow sedge (1) Apply common fow sedge filter
- (-) Remove Common goldeneye filter Common goldeneye
- (-) Remove Common merganser filter Common merganser
- common mullein (1) Apply common mullein filter
- Common nighthawk (4) Apply Common nighthawk filter
- Common poorwill (11) Apply Common poorwill filter
- Common Poorwills (1) Apply Common Poorwills filter
- (-) Remove Common raven filter Common raven
- common sunflower (3) Apply common sunflower filter
- common tansy (3) Apply common tansy filter
- Common yellowthroat (10) Apply Common yellowthroat filter
- Cooper's hawk (26) Apply Cooper's hawk filter
- cottonwood (2) Apply cottonwood filter
- cow parsnip (2) Apply cow parsnip filter
- Coyote (23) Apply Coyote filter
- (-) Remove creeping buttercup filter creeping buttercup
- Crescent Butterflies (3) Apply Crescent Butterflies filter
- Crested wheatgrass (13) Apply Crested wheatgrass filter
- crossbill (1) Apply crossbill filter
- cuckoo wasp (1) Apply cuckoo wasp filter
- curly sedge (1) Apply curly sedge filter
- curlycup gumweed (3) Apply curlycup gumweed filter
- cutleaf daisy (7) Apply cutleaf daisy filter
- cutleaf nightshade (2) Apply cutleaf nightshade filter
- (-) Remove Dark-eyed junco filter Dark-eyed junco
- death camas (4) Apply death camas filter
- Deer Mouse (1) Apply Deer Mouse filter
- digger bee (1) Apply digger bee filter
- Douglas's Hawthorn (1) Apply Douglas's Hawthorn filter
- douglas fir (11) Apply douglas fir filter
- (-) Remove Downy woodpecker filter Downy woodpecker
- Dusky flycatcher (5) Apply Dusky flycatcher filter
- Dusky grouse (13) Apply Dusky grouse filter
- early buttercup (2) Apply early buttercup filter
- Eastern Gray Squirrel (2) Apply Eastern Gray Squirrel filter
- Eastern kingbird (14) Apply Eastern kingbird filter
- Eastern pasqueflower (1) Apply Eastern pasqueflower filter
- Eastern Racer (4) Apply Eastern Racer filter
- Elk (42) Apply Elk filter
- elk sedge (1) Apply elk sedge filter
- Emerald Dragonflies (1) Apply Emerald Dragonflies filter
- ermine (2) Apply ermine filter
- (-) Remove European starling filter European starling
- fairy slipper (1) Apply fairy slipper filter
- False-dandelion (1) Apply False-dandelion filter
- false soloman's-seal (2) Apply false soloman's-seal filter
- Feral Horse (27) Apply Feral Horse filter
- fernleaf biscuitroot (2) Apply fernleaf biscuitroot filter
- few-flowered shooting star (4) Apply few-flowered shooting star filter
- field cottonrose (1) Apply field cottonrose filter
- fireweed (2) Apply fireweed filter
- Flea Beetles (1) Apply Flea Beetles filter
- foothill arnica (3) Apply foothill arnica filter
- fringed sagebrush (3) Apply fringed sagebrush filter
- gardner's yampah (1) Apply gardner's yampah filter
- Giant horsemint or hyssop (5) Apply Giant horsemint or hyssop filter
- glacier lily (7) Apply glacier lily filter
- golden buckwheat (1) Apply golden buckwheat filter
- Golden-crowned kinglet (5) Apply Golden-crowned kinglet filter
- (-) Remove Golden eagle filter Golden eagle
- Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel (3) Apply Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel filter
- goldenrod (1) Apply goldenrod filter
- Goldfinch (1) Apply Goldfinch filter
- Gossamerwing / Hairstreak Butterflies (2) Apply Gossamerwing / Hairstreak Butterflies filter
- Grapes (1) Apply Grapes filter
- grasshopper (3) Apply grasshopper filter
- Grasshopper sparrow (6) Apply Grasshopper sparrow filter
- Gray alder (1) Apply Gray alder filter
- Gray catbird (17) Apply Gray catbird filter
- Gray-crowned rosy finch (3) Apply Gray-crowned rosy finch filter
- gray hawksbeard (1) Apply gray hawksbeard filter
- (-) Remove Gray jay filter Gray jay
- Gray partridge (8) Apply Gray partridge filter
- gray rabbitbrush (4) Apply gray rabbitbrush filter
- Gray Wolf (7) Apply Gray Wolf filter
- (-) Remove Great blue heron filter Great blue heron
- (-) Remove Great horned owl filter Great horned owl
- green rabbitbrush (2) Apply green rabbitbrush filter
- grosbeak (1) Apply grosbeak filter
- hairy golden aster (6) Apply hairy golden aster filter
- hairy milkvetch (1) Apply hairy milkvetch filter
- (-) Remove Hairy woodpecker filter Hairy woodpecker
- Hammond's flycatcher (3) Apply Hammond's flycatcher filter
- harsh paintbrush (1) Apply harsh paintbrush filter
- heartleaf arnica (4) Apply heartleaf arnica filter
- henbane (3) Apply henbane filter
- Hermit thrush (3) Apply Hermit thrush filter
- Hoary Bat (2) Apply Hoary Bat filter
- Holboell's rockcress (1) Apply Holboell's rockcress filter
- hollyhock (1) Apply hollyhock filter
- Hood's sedge (1) Apply Hood's sedge filter
- Hooded merganser (1) Apply Hooded merganser filter
- (-) Remove Horned lark filter Horned lark
- horse (1) Apply horse filter
- houndstongue (13) Apply houndstongue filter
- House finch (4) Apply House finch filter
- (-) Remove House sparrow filter House sparrow
- House wren (15) Apply House wren filter
- huckleberry (1) Apply huckleberry filter
- idaho fescue (4) Apply idaho fescue filter
- Idaho Pocket Gopher (1) Apply Idaho Pocket Gopher filter
- intermediate wheatgrass (1) Apply intermediate wheatgrass filter
- jacob's ladder (3) Apply jacob's ladder filter
- jumping spider (1) Apply jumping spider filter
- june grass (2) Apply june grass filter
- kentucky bluegrass (1) Apply kentucky bluegrass filter
- (-) Remove Killdeer filter KilldeerÂ
- Kinnikinnick (3) Apply Kinnikinnick filter
- Knapweed (2) Apply Knapweed filter
- lady beetle (1) Apply lady beetle filter
- lance-leaved stonecrop (1) Apply lance-leaved stonecrop filter
- Lapland longspur (3) Apply Lapland longspur filter
- Lark sparrow (1) Apply Lark sparrow filter
- larkspur (9) Apply larkspur filter
- Lazuli bunting (16) Apply Lazuli bunting filter
- leafcutter (1) Apply leafcutter filter
- leafcutter bee (1) Apply leafcutter bee filter
- leafy bluebell (3) Apply leafy bluebell filter
- leafy spurge (27) Apply leafy spurge filter
- leafy spurge hawk moth (2) Apply leafy spurge hawk moth filter
- Least Chipmunk (3) Apply Least Chipmunk filter
- Least flycatcher (3) Apply Least flycatcher filter
- Lewis's woodpecker (28) Apply Lewis's woodpecker filter
- Lewis’s Woodpeckers (1) Apply Lewis’s Woodpeckers filter
- Liddon's sedge (1) Apply Liddon's sedge filter
- Little Brown Myotis (2) Apply Little Brown Myotis filter
- little-pod false flax (1) Apply little-pod false flax filter
- (-) Remove littleleaf buttercup filter littleleaf buttercup
- lodgepole pine (2) Apply lodgepole pine filter
- Long-billed curlew (27) Apply Long-billed curlew filter
- Long-eared Bat (3) Apply Long-eared Bat filter
- (-) Remove Long-eared owl filter Long-eared owl
- Long-legged Bat (3) Apply Long-legged Bat filter
- Long-tailed Weasel (4) Apply Long-tailed Weasel filter
- Long-toed Salamander (1) Apply Long-toed Salamander filter
- longleaf fleabane (3) Apply longleaf fleabane filter
- low pussytoes (6) Apply low pussytoes filter
- lupine (1) Apply lupine filter
- MacGillivray's warbler (9) Apply MacGillivray's warbler filter
- madwort (4) Apply madwort filter
- Mallard (9) Apply Mallard filter
- maxamillian sunflower (1) Apply maxamillian sunflower filter
- maximillian sunflower (1) Apply maximillian sunflower filter
- Meadow Vole (2) Apply Meadow Vole filter
- Merlin (13) Apply Merlin filter
- Metalmark Butterflies (1) Apply Metalmark Butterflies filter
- Midges (1) Apply Midges filter
- milkweed (3) Apply milkweed filter
- miner's lettuce (2) Apply miner's lettuce filter
- mint (2) Apply mint filter
- missouri goldenrod (1) Apply missouri goldenrod filter
- mock orange (6) Apply mock orange filter
- Montane Vole (2) Apply Montane Vole filter
- Moose (6) Apply Moose filter
- Morel (3) Apply Morel filter
- Mosquitoes (1) Apply Mosquitoes filter
- moss phlox (1) Apply moss phlox filter
- moth mullein (3) Apply moth mullein filter
- (-) Remove Mountain bluebird filter Mountain bluebird
- (-) Remove Mountain chickadee filter Mountain chickadee
- Mountain Cottontail (2) Apply Mountain Cottontail filter
- Mountain Lion (15) Apply Mountain Lion filter
- Mountain maple (1) Apply Mountain maple filter
- mountain tansy mustard (1) Apply mountain tansy mustard filter
- (-) Remove Mourning dove filter Mourning dove
- Mule Deer (37) Apply Mule Deer filter
- mullein (1) Apply mullein filter
- Muskrat (6) Apply Muskrat filter
- narrow-leaved collomia (1) Apply narrow-leaved collomia filter
- narrow-petalled stonecrop (1) Apply narrow-petalled stonecrop filter
- narrowleaved montia (2) Apply narrowleaved montia filter
- Nashville warbler (7) Apply Nashville warbler filter
- needle and thread (3) Apply needle and thread filter
- nine-leaf lomatiun (2) Apply nine-leaf lomatiun filter
- ninebark (4) Apply ninebark filter
- Nodding onion (4) Apply Nodding onion filter
- North American Porcupine (5) Apply North American Porcupine filter
- North American River Otter (1) Apply North American River Otter filter
- Northern flicker (11) Apply Northern flicker filter
- Northern goshawk (7) Apply Northern goshawk filter
- (-) Remove Northern harrier filter Northern harrier
- northern miner's candle (1) Apply northern miner's candle filter
- Northern Pike (1) Apply Northern Pike filter
- Northern Pygmy-owl (16) Apply Northern Pygmy-owl filter
- Northern rough-winged swallow (2) Apply Northern rough-winged swallow filter
- Northern saw-whet owl (15) Apply Northern saw-whet owl filter
- (-) Remove Northern shrike filter Northern shrike
- Northern waterthrush (7) Apply Northern waterthrush filter
- northwestern sedge (1) Apply northwestern sedge filter
- Nuttall's rockcress (2) Apply Nuttall's rockcress filter
- Nymph Butterflies (1) Apply Nymph Butterflies filter
- ocean spray (2) Apply ocean spray filter
- Olive-sided flycatcher (1) Apply Olive-sided flycatcher filter
- Orange-crowned warbler (13) Apply Orange-crowned warbler filter
- Orange-tip / White / Sulphur Butterflies (5) Apply Orange-tip / White / Sulphur Butterflies filter
- oregon grape (1) Apply oregon grape filter
- Oregon Sunshine (3) Apply Oregon Sunshine filter
- Osprey (1) Apply Osprey filter
- Osprey (32) Apply Osprey filter
- Ovenbird (1) Apply Ovenbird filter
- ox-eye daisy (1) Apply ox-eye daisy filter
- Painted Turtle (7) Apply Painted Turtle filter
- pale indian paintbrush (5) Apply pale indian paintbrush filter
- Pearly everlasting (1) Apply Pearly everlasting filter
- Pearly pussytoes (3) Apply Pearly pussytoes filter
- penstemon (1) Apply penstemon filter
- Penstemons (2) Apply Penstemons filter
- phlox (3) Apply phlox filter
- Pileated woodpecker (11) Apply Pileated woodpecker filter
- Pine grosbeak (2) Apply Pine grosbeak filter
- Pine siskin (4) Apply Pine siskin filter
- pine white butterfly (1) Apply pine white butterfly filter
- pink owl clover (5) Apply pink owl clover filter
- plains wallflower (1) Apply plains wallflower filter
- ponderosa pine (34) Apply ponderosa pine filter
- porcupine (3) Apply porcupine filter
- Prairie falcon (16) Apply Prairie falcon filter
- prairie sagewort (2) Apply prairie sagewort filter
- prairie smoke (12) Apply prairie smoke filter
- prarie kittentails (3) Apply prarie kittentails filter
- praying mantis (1) Apply praying mantis filter
- prickly currant (3) Apply prickly currant filter
- (-) Remove Pygmy nuthatch filter Pygmy nuthatch
- quaking aspen (20) Apply quaking aspen filter
- Raccoon (2) Apply Raccoon filter
- Rainbow Trout (1) Apply Rainbow Trout filter
- (-) Remove Red-breasted nuthatch filter Red-breasted nuthatch
- Red crossbill (4) Apply Red crossbill filter
- Red-eyed Vireo (2) Apply Red-eyed Vireo filter
- Red Fox (4) Apply Red Fox filter
- Red-naped sapsucker (9) Apply Red-naped sapsucker filter
- red-osier dogwood (3) Apply red-osier dogwood filter
- Red Squirrel (5) Apply Red Squirrel filter
- Red-tailed Chipmunk (3) Apply Red-tailed Chipmunk filter
- (-) Remove Red-tailed hawk filter Red-tailed hawk
- Red-winged blackbird (2) Apply Red-winged blackbird filter
- redstem ceanothus (1) Apply redstem ceanothus filter
- reed canarygrass (3) Apply reed canarygrass filter
- Ring Necked Duck (1) Apply Ring Necked Duck filter
- Ring-necked pheasant (2) Apply Ring-necked pheasant filter
- (-) Remove Rock Pigeon filter Rock Pigeon
- Rock wren (6) Apply Rock wren filter
- rocky mountain beeplant (1) Apply rocky mountain beeplant filter
- rocky mountain juniper (5) Apply rocky mountain juniper filter
- rocky mountain maple (1) Apply rocky mountain maple filter
- rocky mountain sedge (1) Apply rocky mountain sedge filter
- roses (4) Apply roses filter
- Rosy pussy-toes (2) Apply Rosy pussy-toes filter
- Rosy pussytoes (6) Apply Rosy pussytoes filter
- rough fescue (4) Apply rough fescue filter
- (-) Remove Rough-legged hawk filter Rough-legged hawk
- round-leaf alumroot (2) Apply round-leaf alumroot filter
- Rubber Boa (2) Apply Rubber Boa filter
- Ruby-crowned kinglet (13) Apply Ruby-crowned kinglet filter
- (-) Remove Ruffed grouse filter Ruffed grouse
- Rufous hummingbird (11) Apply Rufous hummingbird filter
- russian wildrye (1) Apply russian wildrye filter
- sage (2) Apply sage filter
- Sainfoin (1) Apply Sainfoin filter
- sandbar willow (3) Apply sandbar willow filter
- sandberg's bluegrass (4) Apply sandberg's bluegrass filter
- Sandhill crane (9) Apply Sandhill crane filter
- Savannah sparrow (3) Apply Savannah sparrow filter
- Say's phoebe (18) Apply Say's phoebe filter
- scarlet beeblossom (1) Apply scarlet beeblossom filter
- scarlet paintbrush (4) Apply scarlet paintbrush filter
- scotch harebell (1) Apply scotch harebell filter
- Serviceberry, Saskatoon (10) Apply Serviceberry, Saskatoon filter
- shaggy fleabane (2) Apply shaggy fleabane filter
- (-) Remove Sharp-shinned hawk filter Sharp-shinned hawk
- Shooting Star (1) Apply Shooting Star filter
- Short-horned Grasshoppers (2) Apply Short-horned Grasshoppers filter
- Short-tailed Weasel (2) Apply Short-tailed Weasel filter
- shortbeak sedge (1) Apply shortbeak sedge filter
- showy milkweed (1) Apply showy milkweed filter
- silky lupine (6) Apply silky lupine filter
- Silver Haired Bat (1) Apply Silver Haired Bat filter
- silverleaf phacelia (3) Apply silverleaf phacelia filter
- silvery brown pussytoes (1) Apply silvery brown pussytoes filter
- silvery lupine (6) Apply silvery lupine filter
- silvery sedge (1) Apply silvery sedge filter
- Skimmer Dragonflies (1) Apply Skimmer Dragonflies filter
- Skipper Butterflies (1) Apply Skipper Butterflies filter
- slender-beak sedge (1) Apply slender-beak sedge filter
- slender cinquefoil (3) Apply slender cinquefoil filter
- slender wild rye (1) Apply slender wild rye filter
- small enchanter's nightshade (1) Apply small enchanter's nightshade filter
- small geranium (1) Apply small geranium filter
- Small-leaf pussytoes (3) Apply Small-leaf pussytoes filter
- small tumbleweed mustard (1) Apply small tumbleweed mustard filter
- small-winged sedge (1) Apply small-winged sedge filter
- smallflower woodland-star (1) Apply smallflower woodland-star filter
- Smartweed (1) Apply Smartweed filter
- snakefly (1) Apply snakefly filter
- Snow bunting (7) Apply Snow bunting filter
- Snow goose (1) Apply Snow goose filter
- snowberry (7) Apply snowberry filter
- Snowshoe Hare (5) Apply Snowshoe Hare filter
- Song sparrow (7) Apply Song sparrow filter
- spearleaf fleabane (1) Apply spearleaf fleabane filter
- spider wasp (1) Apply spider wasp filter
- spotted knapweed (16) Apply spotted knapweed filter
- Spotted sandpiper (4) Apply Spotted sandpiper filter
- (-) Remove Spotted towhee filter Spotted towhee
- Spreading dogbane (1) Apply Spreading dogbane filter
- spreading fleabane (1) Apply spreading fleabane filter
- Steller's jay (4) Apply Steller's jay filter
- sticky geranium (3) Apply sticky geranium filter
- stiff yellow indian paintbrush (2) Apply stiff yellow indian paintbrush filter
- stinging nettle (1) Apply stinging nettle filter
- Stinkbugs and Shield bugs (4) Apply Stinkbugs and Shield bugs filter
- storksbill (2) Apply storksbill filter
- streamside fleabane (1) Apply streamside fleabane filter
- sulphur buckwheat (2) Apply sulphur buckwheat filter
- sulphur butterfly (1) Apply sulphur butterfly filter
- sulphur cinquefoil (2) Apply sulphur cinquefoil filter
- Swainson's thrush (7) Apply Swainson's thrush filter
- Swallowtail Butterflies (5) Apply Swallowtail Butterflies filter
- sweat bee (1) Apply sweat bee filter
- tall trisetum (1) Apply tall trisetum filter
- tall tumblemustard (1) Apply tall tumblemustard filter
- Terrestrial Gartersnake (1) Apply Terrestrial Gartersnake filter
- thread-leaf phacelia (2) Apply thread-leaf phacelia filter
- threadleaf sedge (1) Apply threadleaf sedge filter
- Three-awn (1) Apply Three-awn filter
- threenerve fleabane (1) Apply threenerve fleabane filter
- Tiger Beetles (2) Apply Tiger Beetles filter
- Tiger Moths (2) Apply Tiger Moths filter
- Townsend's solitaire (6) Apply Townsend's solitaire filter
- Townsend's warbler (6) Apply Townsend's warbler filter
- tree cricket (1) Apply tree cricket filter
- (-) Remove Tree swallow filter Tree swallow
- tumble mustard (10) Apply tumble mustard filter
- Turkey vulture (13) Apply Turkey vulture filter
- tussock moth (3) Apply tussock moth filter
- twin arnica (3) Apply twin arnica filter
- Uinta Ground Squirrel (1) Apply Uinta Ground Squirrel filter
- Umber pussy-toes (1) Apply Umber pussy-toes filter
- utah honeysuckle (1) Apply utah honeysuckle filter
- Varied Thrush (2) Apply Varied Thrush filter
- vernal speedwell (1) Apply vernal speedwell filter
- Vesper sparrow (23) Apply Vesper sparrow filter
- vetch (1) Apply vetch filter
- Violet-green swallow (1) Apply Violet-green swallow filter
- violets (1) Apply violets filter
- virgin's-bower (3) Apply virgin's-bower filter
- virginia strawberry (1) Apply virginia strawberry filter
- Warbling vireo (4) Apply Warbling vireo filter
- wasp (1) Apply wasp filter