Block title

Reptiles and Amphibians
Native reptiles and amphibians help maintain healthy ecosystems across MPG Ranch. Several species control rodent and insect populations. Others help regulate vegetative growth along our floodplain. The majority of juvenile herpetafauna provide quality protein for a variety of higher order predators, while many adults ultimately become a substantive meal for our largest predators. MPG Ranch provides reptile habitat for five native snakes including Bullsnakes, Common Gartersnakes, Wandering Gartersnakes, Eastern Yellow-Bellied Racers, and Northern Rubber Boas as well as one native turtle, the Western Painted Turtle. Surveyed amphibians include Columbia Spotted Frogs, Rocky Mountain Tailed Frogs, Western Toads, the invasive American Bullfrog, and Long-Toed Salamanders. Current research projects focus on the population characteristics of Western Painted Turtles at our Clubhouse Pond, Western Toad migration patterns across the breadth of the ranch, and the large-scale genetic lineages of garter snake species across Western Montana. In addition to these projects, we strive to improve, sustain, and create native habitat by controlling invasive species, enhancing habitat features and building ponds in upland draws.
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10-19-15 Butterfly Field Note
Research Projects
- Avian Ecology (389) Apply Avian Ecology filter
- Biocrusts, Lichen and Moss (34) Apply Biocrusts, Lichen and Moss filter
- Mammals (166) Apply Mammals filter
- Plant Phenology (47) Apply Plant Phenology filter
- Range Restoration (124) Apply Range Restoration filter
- (-) Remove Reptiles and Amphibians filter Reptiles and Amphibians
- Soils, Plants and Invasion (293) Apply Soils, Plants and Invasion filter
- Vegetation Monitoring (36) Apply Vegetation Monitoring filter
- Acoustic Monitoring (23) Apply Acoustic Monitoring filter
- American Kestrel Project (6) Apply American Kestrel Project filter
- Arachnids (1) Apply Arachnids filter
- Arbuscular Micorrhizal Fungi (9) Apply Arbuscular Micorrhizal Fungi filter
- Avian Education (13) Apply Avian Education filter
- Below Ground Fungal Communities (2) Apply Below Ground Fungal Communities filter
- Birds (210) Apply Birds filter
- Bitterroot Valley Winter Eagle Project (7) Apply Bitterroot Valley Winter Eagle Project filter
- Blood Lead Monitoring (1) Apply Blood Lead Monitoring filter
- Lewis's Woodpecker Project (20) Apply Lewis's Woodpecker Project filter
- Long Billed Curlew (8) Apply Long Billed Curlew filter
- Microbiome (7) Apply Microbiome filter
- Microbrial Soil Investigations (2) Apply Microbrial Soil Investigations filter
- Milkweed Focus Area (1) Apply Milkweed Focus Area filter
- MOTUS Avian (12) Apply MOTUS Avian filter
- Plants (240) Apply Plants filter
- Point Counts (6) Apply Point Counts filter
- Polinators (20) Apply Polinators filter
- Raptor Blood Lead Monitoring (4) Apply Raptor Blood Lead Monitoring filter
- Raptor Migration and Trapping (43) Apply Raptor Migration and Trapping filter
- Raptor Tracking (16) Apply Raptor Tracking filter
- Sage Thinning (1) Apply Sage Thinning filter
- Scavengers (2) Apply Scavengers filter
- Shrub and Tree Planting (2) Apply Shrub and Tree Planting filter
- Shrubby Draw Surveys (20) Apply Shrubby Draw Surveys filter
- Songbird Banding and Migration (43) Apply Songbird Banding and Migration filter
- Songbird Banding and Monitoring (14) Apply Songbird Banding and Monitoring filter
- Tree Swallow Project (1) Apply Tree Swallow Project filter
- Turkey Vulture Trapping (5) Apply Turkey Vulture Trapping filter
Block title
- American Beaver (1) Apply American Beaver filter
- American Bullfrog (1) Apply American Bullfrog filter
- American kestrel (3) Apply American kestrel filter
- American pipit (1) Apply American pipit filter
- American robin (1) Apply American robin filter
- antelope bitterbrush (2) Apply antelope bitterbrush filter
- arrowleaf balsamroot (5) Apply arrowleaf balsamroot filter
- aspen fleabane (1) Apply aspen fleabane filter
- Bald eagle (1) Apply Bald eagle filter
- ball head waterleaf (1) Apply ball head waterleaf filter
- bastard toadflax (1) Apply bastard toadflax filter
- bitterroot (1) Apply bitterroot filter
- Black-billed magpie (1) Apply Black-billed magpie filter
- black cottonwood (1) Apply black cottonwood filter
- Black-headed grosbeak (1) Apply Black-headed grosbeak filter
- blanket flower (1) Apply blanket flower filter
- blazing-star (1) Apply blazing-star filter
- Bonneville shootingstar (1) Apply Bonneville shootingstar filter
- Brown-headed cowbird (2) Apply Brown-headed cowbird filter
- Bufflehead (1) Apply Bufflehead filter
- bull thistle (1) Apply bull thistle filter
- Bullsnake (4) Apply Bullsnake filter
- cheatgrass (1) Apply cheatgrass filter
- Chipping sparrow (1) Apply Chipping sparrow filter
- chokecherry (2) Apply chokecherry filter
- Clay-colored sparrow (1) Apply Clay-colored sparrow filter
- Cliff swallow (1) Apply Cliff swallow filter
- Columbia Spotted Frog (1) Apply Columbia Spotted Frog filter
- Common Gartersnake (3) Apply Common Gartersnake filter
- Common nighthawk (1) Apply Common nighthawk filter
- Common poorwill (1) Apply Common poorwill filter
- Cooper's hawk (1) Apply Cooper's hawk filter
- cow parsnip (1) Apply cow parsnip filter
- Coyote (1) Apply Coyote filter
- Crescent Butterflies (1) Apply Crescent Butterflies filter
- Crested wheatgrass (2) Apply Crested wheatgrass filter
- death camas (1) Apply death camas filter
- Downy woodpecker (1) Apply Downy woodpecker filter
- Dusky grouse (2) Apply Dusky grouse filter
- glacier lily (2) Apply glacier lily filter
- Golden eagle (1) Apply Golden eagle filter
- Gray catbird (1) Apply Gray catbird filter
- gray rabbitbrush (1) Apply gray rabbitbrush filter
- Hermit thrush (1) Apply Hermit thrush filter
- houndstongue (3) Apply houndstongue filter
- House wren (1) Apply House wren filter
- lance-leaved stonecrop (1) Apply lance-leaved stonecrop filter
- Lark sparrow (1) Apply Lark sparrow filter
- larkspur (2) Apply larkspur filter
- Lazuli bunting (1) Apply Lazuli bunting filter
- leafy spurge (2) Apply leafy spurge filter
- Least Chipmunk (1) Apply Least Chipmunk filter
- Least flycatcher (1) Apply Least flycatcher filter
- Lewis's woodpecker (1) Apply Lewis's woodpecker filter
- Long-billed curlew (1) Apply Long-billed curlew filter
- Long-toed Salamander (4) Apply Long-toed Salamander filter
- longleaf fleabane (1) Apply longleaf fleabane filter
- MacGillivray's warbler (2) Apply MacGillivray's warbler filter
- miner's lettuce (1) Apply miner's lettuce filter
- mint (1) Apply mint filter
- Mosquitoes (1) Apply Mosquitoes filter
- Mule Deer (1) Apply Mule Deer filter
- Muskrat (1) Apply Muskrat filter
- narrow-petalled stonecrop (1) Apply narrow-petalled stonecrop filter
- Northern flicker (1) Apply Northern flicker filter
- Northern goshawk (1) Apply Northern goshawk filter
- Northern harrier (1) Apply Northern harrier filter
- Northern rough-winged swallow (1) Apply Northern rough-winged swallow filter
- Northern waterthrush (1) Apply Northern waterthrush filter
- Nymph Butterflies (1) Apply Nymph Butterflies filter
- Orange-tip / White / Sulphur Butterflies (2) Apply Orange-tip / White / Sulphur Butterflies filter
- Oregon Sunshine (1) Apply Oregon Sunshine filter
- Osprey (1) Apply Osprey filter
- Painted Turtle (3) Apply Painted Turtle filter
- pale indian paintbrush (1) Apply pale indian paintbrush filter
- pink owl clover (1) Apply pink owl clover filter
- ponderosa pine (1) Apply ponderosa pine filter
- Prairie falcon (1) Apply Prairie falcon filter
- prairie smoke (1) Apply prairie smoke filter
- prickly currant (2) Apply prickly currant filter
- quaking aspen (1) Apply quaking aspen filter
- Red-naped sapsucker (1) Apply Red-naped sapsucker filter
- Red Squirrel (1) Apply Red Squirrel filter
- Red-tailed Chipmunk (1) Apply Red-tailed Chipmunk filter
- Red-tailed hawk (3) Apply Red-tailed hawk filter
- Ring-necked pheasant (1) Apply Ring-necked pheasant filter
- Rock wren (1) Apply Rock wren filter
- roses (1) Apply roses filter
- Rosy pussytoes (1) Apply Rosy pussytoes filter
- Rough-legged hawk (1) Apply Rough-legged hawk filter
- Rubber Boa (2) Apply Rubber Boa filter
- Ruby-crowned kinglet (1) Apply Ruby-crowned kinglet filter
- Rufous hummingbird (1) Apply Rufous hummingbird filter
- shaggy fleabane (1) Apply shaggy fleabane filter
- Sharp-shinned hawk (1) Apply Sharp-shinned hawk filter
- Short-horned Grasshoppers (1) Apply Short-horned Grasshoppers filter
- silky lupine (1) Apply silky lupine filter
- Skimmer Dragonflies (1) Apply Skimmer Dragonflies filter
- small geranium (1) Apply small geranium filter
- spearleaf fleabane (1) Apply spearleaf fleabane filter
- spotted knapweed (2) Apply spotted knapweed filter
- spreading fleabane (1) Apply spreading fleabane filter
- sticky geranium (1) Apply sticky geranium filter
- stiff yellow indian paintbrush (1) Apply stiff yellow indian paintbrush filter
- Stinkbugs and Shield bugs (1) Apply Stinkbugs and Shield bugs filter
- streamside fleabane (1) Apply streamside fleabane filter
- Swallowtail Butterflies (1) Apply Swallowtail Butterflies filter
- Terrestrial Gartersnake (2) Apply Terrestrial Gartersnake filter
- threenerve fleabane (1) Apply threenerve fleabane filter
- Tiger Beetles (1) Apply Tiger Beetles filter
- Tiger Moths (1) Apply Tiger Moths filter
- Townsend's warbler (1) Apply Townsend's warbler filter
- Tree swallow (1) Apply Tree swallow filter
- Turkey vulture (1) Apply Turkey vulture filter
- Vesper sparrow (3) Apply Vesper sparrow filter
- Warbling vireo (1) Apply Warbling vireo filter
- wax currant (1) Apply wax currant filter
- Western bluebird (1) Apply Western bluebird filter
- western larch (1) Apply western larch filter
- Western tanager (1) Apply Western tanager filter
- Western Toad (7) Apply Western Toad filter
- Western wood pewee (1) Apply Western wood pewee filter
- White-tailed Deer (1) Apply White-tailed Deer filter
- Wild turkey (2) Apply Wild turkey filter
- Wilson's warbler (1) Apply Wilson's warbler filter
- Wolf Spider (1) Apply Wolf Spider filter
- wood's rose (1) Apply wood's rose filter
- Yellow-bellied Marmot (1) Apply Yellow-bellied Marmot filter
- Yellow-pine Chipmunk (1) Apply Yellow-pine Chipmunk filter
- Yellow-rumped warbler (1) Apply Yellow-rumped warbler filter
- yellow salsify (1) Apply yellow salsify filter
- Yellow warbler (1) Apply Yellow warbler filter
- Jeff Clarke (9) Apply Jeff Clarke filter
- Eric Rasmussen (5) Apply Eric Rasmussen filter
- Jeff Clark (3) Apply Jeff Clark filter
- Jeffrey Pippen (3) Apply Jeffrey Pippen filter
- Dr Matthew Schertz (2) Apply Dr Matthew Schertz filter
- Kate Stone (2) Apply Kate Stone filter
- Matthew Schertz (2) Apply Matthew Schertz filter
- Dr. Matthew Schertz (1) Apply Dr. Matthew Schertz filter
- Ed. D. Michael Sawaya (1) Apply Ed. D. Michael Sawaya filter
- Matthew Shertz (1) Apply Matthew Shertz filter
- Nate Gordon (1) Apply Nate Gordon filter
- Nathan Gordon (1) Apply Nathan Gordon filter
- Ph. D. (1) Apply Ph. D. filter
- Phd. (1) Apply Phd. filter