Block title
Sort by
Evaluation of 2010 Treatments of Catagory #3 Areas
September 16th, 2011
By: Dan Mummey, Lauren Stoffel, Teagan Hayes, and Jeff Clarke
Research Report
11-04-11 Restoration Update
November 5th, 2011

Research Update
11-11-11 Restoration Activity Update
November 12th, 2011

Research Update
2011 Herpetological Report
January 29th, 2012
By: Dr. Matthew Schertz
Research Update
Crested Wheatgrass Control and Wildlife Crop Activities
May 2nd, 2012

Research Update
Vegetation Data Classification and Analysis Overview
May 2nd, 2012

Research Report
Delineation of Category #1 Areas from Vegetation Surveys
October 1st, 2012

Research Update
Sage Survey Update
October 30th, 2012
By: Rebecca Durham Whithed
Research Update
Bird Use of Shrubby Draws During Fall Migration
November 13th, 2012

Research Report
Habitat and Nest Requirements for Lewis's Woodpeckers
December 26th, 2012
By: Megan Fylling
Research Report
2012 Fall Songbird Migration Banding Report
February 15th, 2013
By: Megan Fylling and Kristina Smucker
Research Report
Bitterbrush Restoration Update
May 7th, 2013
By: Nathan Gordon
Research Update
2013 Spring Reptile Surveys
June 12th, 2013

Research Report
Crested Wheatgrass Seedbank
July 8th, 2013

Research Update
2013 Mapping Songbird Territories in Woody Draws on the MPG Ranch
October 1st, 2013
By: Anna Noson
Research Report
Range Restoration Update November 22nd
November 25th, 2013

Research Update
Research Projects
- Avian Ecology (15) Apply Avian Ecology filter
- Biocrusts, Lichen and Moss (1) Apply Biocrusts, Lichen and Moss filter
- Mammals (2) Apply Mammals filter
- Plant Phenology (1) Apply Plant Phenology filter
- Range Restoration (13) Apply Range Restoration filter
- Reptiles and Amphibians (2) Apply Reptiles and Amphibians filter
- Soils, Plants and Invasion (10) Apply Soils, Plants and Invasion filter
- Vegetation Monitoring (2) Apply Vegetation Monitoring filter
- There are no available items that begin with these letters.
- There are no available items that begin with these letters.
Block title
- alfalfa (1) Apply alfalfa filter
- American Bullfrog (1) Apply American Bullfrog filter
- American kestrel (11) Apply American kestrel filter
- (-) Remove American robin filter American robin
- American tree sparrow (2) Apply American tree sparrow filter
- american vetch (1) Apply american vetch filter
- (-) Remove antelope bitterbrush filter antelope bitterbrush
- arrowleaf balsamroot (2) Apply arrowleaf balsamroot filter
- Bald eagle (15) Apply Bald eagle filter
- Bank swallow (1) Apply Bank swallow filter
- basin wildrye (1) Apply basin wildrye filter
- Bees (2) Apply Bees filter
- Big Brown Bat (2) Apply Big Brown Bat filter
- big sagebrush (4) Apply big sagebrush filter
- (-) Remove bitterroot filter bitterroot
- Black Bear (3) Apply Black Bear filter
- Black-billed magpie (2) Apply Black-billed magpie filter
- Black-capped chickadee (3) Apply Black-capped chickadee filter
- Black-chinned Hummingbird (7) Apply Black-chinned Hummingbird filter
- black hawthorn (1) Apply black hawthorn filter
- blanket flower (9) Apply blanket flower filter
- blue gramma grass (4) Apply blue gramma grass filter
- blue wild rye (1) Apply blue wild rye filter
- bluebunch wheatgrass (9) Apply bluebunch wheatgrass filter
- bluegrass (1) Apply bluegrass filter
- Bobcat (1) Apply Bobcat filter
- Broad-winged Hawk (1) Apply Broad-winged Hawk filter
- Brown creeper (1) Apply Brown creeper filter
- (-) Remove Brown-headed cowbird filter Brown-headed cowbird
- Bullock's oriole (2) Apply Bullock's oriole filter
- (-) Remove Bullsnake filter Bullsnake
- California Myotis (1) Apply California Myotis filter
- Calliope hummingbird (6) Apply Calliope hummingbird filter
- canada bluegrass (1) Apply canada bluegrass filter
- Canada goose (1) Apply Canada goose filter
- Cedar waxwing (3) Apply Cedar waxwing filter
- cheatgrass (14) Apply cheatgrass filter
- Chipping sparrow (3) Apply Chipping sparrow filter
- chokecherry (4) Apply chokecherry filter
- Common Gartersnake (3) Apply Common Gartersnake filter
- Common nighthawk (3) Apply Common nighthawk filter
- Common Nighthawks (1) Apply Common Nighthawks filter
- Common poorwill (3) Apply Common poorwill filter
- Common Poorwills (1) Apply Common Poorwills filter
- Common raven (1) Apply Common raven filter
- Cooper's hawk (8) Apply Cooper's hawk filter
- cougar (1) Apply cougar filter
- (-) Remove Coyote filter Coyote
- (-) Remove Crested wheatgrass filter Crested wheatgrass
- Dark-eyed junco (4) Apply Dark-eyed junco filter
- death camas (1) Apply death camas filter
- douglas fir (2) Apply douglas fir filter
- Downy woodpecker (2) Apply Downy woodpecker filter
- Dusky flycatcher (5) Apply Dusky flycatcher filter
- Eastern Racer (2) Apply Eastern Racer filter
- Elk (12) Apply Elk filter
- Evening grosbeak (1) Apply Evening grosbeak filter
- Feral Horse (2) Apply Feral Horse filter
- Flammulated owls (2) Apply Flammulated owls filter
- Flea Beetles (1) Apply Flea Beetles filter
- fox sparrow (1) Apply fox sparrow filter
- fringed sagebrush (2) Apply fringed sagebrush filter
- Golden-crowned kinglet (1) Apply Golden-crowned kinglet filter
- Golden eagle (24) Apply Golden eagle filter
- Gray catbird (11) Apply Gray catbird filter
- gray flycatcher (1) Apply gray flycatcher filter
- Great blue heron (2) Apply Great blue heron filter
- Great horned owl (2) Apply Great horned owl filter
- green rabbitbrush (1) Apply green rabbitbrush filter
- hairy golden aster (3) Apply hairy golden aster filter
- Harlan's Hawk (1) Apply Harlan's Hawk filter
- Hoary Bat (2) Apply Hoary Bat filter
- Holboell's rockcress (1) Apply Holboell's rockcress filter
- House finch (1) Apply House finch filter
- House wren (6) Apply House wren filter
- larkspur (1) Apply larkspur filter
- Lazuli bunting (8) Apply Lazuli bunting filter
- leafy spurge (15) Apply leafy spurge filter
- Least flycatcher (1) Apply Least flycatcher filter
- Lesser Goldfinch (1) Apply Lesser Goldfinch filter
- (-) Remove Lewis's woodpecker filter Lewis's woodpecker
- Lewis’s Woodpecker (2) Apply Lewis’s Woodpecker filter
- Lewis’s Woodpeckers (1) Apply Lewis’s Woodpeckers filter
- Little Brown Bat (1) Apply Little Brown Bat filter
- Long-billed curlew (1) Apply Long-billed curlew filter
- Long-eared Myotis (1) Apply Long-eared Myotis filter
- Long-eared owl (2) Apply Long-eared owl filter
- Long-toed Salamander (4) Apply Long-toed Salamander filter
- MacGillivray's warbler (2) Apply MacGillivray's warbler filter
- marsh wren (1) Apply marsh wren filter
- Merlin (6) Apply Merlin filter
- mock orange (1) Apply mock orange filter
- Monarch butterfly (2) Apply Monarch butterfly filter
- Moose (1) Apply Moose filter
- Mountain bluebird (1) Apply Mountain bluebird filter
- Mountain Lion (3) Apply Mountain Lion filter
- Mountain maple (2) Apply Mountain maple filter
- Mule Deer (9) Apply Mule Deer filter
- Nashville warbler (1) Apply Nashville warbler filter
- needle and thread (1) Apply needle and thread filter
- nine-leaf lomatiun (1) Apply nine-leaf lomatiun filter
- ninebark (2) Apply ninebark filter
- Northern goshawk (7) Apply Northern goshawk filter
- Northern harrier (10) Apply Northern harrier filter
- Northern Pygmy-owl (4) Apply Northern Pygmy-owl filter
- Northern saw-whet owl (5) Apply Northern saw-whet owl filter
- Orange-crowned warbler (6) Apply Orange-crowned warbler filter
- Oregon Sunshine (2) Apply Oregon Sunshine filter
- Osprey (2) Apply Osprey filter
- Osprey (9) Apply Osprey filter
- Penstemons (2) Apply Penstemons filter
- Peregrine Falcon (2) Apply Peregrine Falcon filter
- Pileated woodpecker (3) Apply Pileated woodpecker filter
- Pine siskin (3) Apply Pine siskin filter
- pinegrass (1) Apply pinegrass filter
- plains wallflower (1) Apply plains wallflower filter
- ponderosa pine (2) Apply ponderosa pine filter
- Prairie falcon (7) Apply Prairie falcon filter
- prairie sagewort (1) Apply prairie sagewort filter
- prairie smoke (2) Apply prairie smoke filter
- quackgrass (2) Apply quackgrass filter
- quaking aspen (2) Apply quaking aspen filter
- Red-breasted nuthatch (4) Apply Red-breasted nuthatch filter
- Red-naped sapsucker (1) Apply Red-naped sapsucker filter
- Red-tailed hawk (12) Apply Red-tailed hawk filter
- rocky mountain juniper (1) Apply rocky mountain juniper filter
- Rosy pussy-toes (1) Apply Rosy pussy-toes filter
- Rosy pussytoes (1) Apply Rosy pussytoes filter
- rough fescue (1) Apply rough fescue filter
- Rough-legged hawk (9) Apply Rough-legged hawk filter
- Rough-leggedHawk (1) Apply Rough-leggedHawk filter
- Ruby-crowned kinglet (4) Apply Ruby-crowned kinglet filter
- Ruffed grouse (2) Apply Ruffed grouse filter
- Rufous hummingbird (4) Apply Rufous hummingbird filter
- russian wildrye (1) Apply russian wildrye filter
- Sainfoin (5) Apply Sainfoin filter
- sandberg's bluegrass (8) Apply sandberg's bluegrass filter
- Savannah sparrow (1) Apply Savannah sparrow filter
- Serviceberry, Saskatoon (2) Apply Serviceberry, Saskatoon filter
- Sharp-shinned hawk (11) Apply Sharp-shinned hawk filter
- showy milkweed (2) Apply showy milkweed filter
- silky lupine (3) Apply silky lupine filter
- Silver Haired Bat (1) Apply Silver Haired Bat filter
- Silver-haired Bat (1) Apply Silver-haired Bat filter
- silverleaf phacelia (1) Apply silverleaf phacelia filter
- smooth brome (1) Apply smooth brome filter
- Snow bunting (1) Apply Snow bunting filter
- Snow goose (1) Apply Snow goose filter
- snowberry (1) Apply snowberry filter
- Song sparrow (3) Apply Song sparrow filter
- spotted knapweed (15) Apply spotted knapweed filter
- Spotted towhee (7) Apply Spotted towhee filter
- Suillus (1) Apply Suillus filter
- sulphur cinquefoil (6) Apply sulphur cinquefoil filter
- Swainson's Hawk (1) Apply Swainson's Hawk filter
- Swainson's thrush (4) Apply Swainson's thrush filter
- Terrestrial Gartersnake (2) Apply Terrestrial Gartersnake filter
- Three-awn (1) Apply Three-awn filter
- Townsend's warbler (1) Apply Townsend's warbler filter
- (-) Remove Tree swallow filter Tree swallow
- tumble mustard (3) Apply tumble mustard filter
- Turkey vulture (10) Apply Turkey vulture filter
- Varied Thrush (1) Apply Varied Thrush filter
- (-) Remove Vesper sparrow filter Vesper sparrow
- Weevils (1) Apply Weevils filter
- Western long-eared myotis (1) Apply Western long-eared myotis filter
- Western meadowlark (1) Apply Western meadowlark filter
- Western Small-footed Myotis (1) Apply Western Small-footed Myotis filter
- Western tanager (1) Apply Western tanager filter
- Western Toad (3) Apply Western Toad filter
- western white pine (1) Apply western white pine filter
- Western yarrow (8) Apply Western yarrow filter
- wheat (3) Apply wheat filter
- White-breasted nuthatch (1) Apply White-breasted nuthatch filter
- white clover (1) Apply white clover filter
- White-crowned sparrow (3) Apply White-crowned sparrow filter
- white pine blister rust (1) Apply white pine blister rust filter
- White-tailed Deer (5) Apply White-tailed Deer filter
- wilcox's penstemon (2) Apply wilcox's penstemon filter
- (-) Remove Wild turkey filter Wild turkey
- Williamson's Sapsucker (1) Apply Williamson's Sapsucker filter
- Willow flycatcher (1) Apply Willow flycatcher filter
- Wilson's warbler (1) Apply Wilson's warbler filter
- wood's rose (2) Apply wood's rose filter
- yellow bell (1) Apply yellow bell filter
- Yellow-rumped warbler (4) Apply Yellow-rumped warbler filter
- yellow salsify (1) Apply yellow salsify filter
- Yellow warbler (2) Apply Yellow warbler filter
- Dan Mummey (12) Apply Dan Mummey filter
- Kate Stone (10) Apply Kate Stone filter
- 37 (6) Apply 37 filter
- Debbie Leick (3) Apply Debbie Leick filter
- 43 (2) Apply 43 filter
- Megan Fylling (2) Apply Megan Fylling filter
- Nathan Gordon (2) Apply Nathan Gordon filter
- Anna Noson (1) Apply Anna Noson filter
- Dan Mummey, Lauren Stoffel, Teagan Hayes, (1) Apply Dan Mummey, Lauren Stoffel, Teagan Hayes, filter
- Dr. Matthew Schertz (1) Apply Dr. Matthew Schertz filter
- Ed. D. Michael Sawaya (1) Apply Ed. D. Michael Sawaya filter
- Jeff Clarke (1) Apply Jeff Clarke filter
- Kristina Smucker (1) Apply Kristina Smucker filter
- Lauren Stoffel (1) Apply Lauren Stoffel filter
- Matthew Schertz (1) Apply Matthew Schertz filter
- Michael Krzywicki (1) Apply Michael Krzywicki filter
- Mike McTee (1) Apply Mike McTee filter
- Ph. D. (1) Apply Ph. D. filter
- Rebecca Durham Whithed (1) Apply Rebecca Durham Whithed filter
- Staff (1) Apply Staff filter
- Tricia Rodriguez, Megan Fylling, (1) Apply Tricia Rodriguez, Megan Fylling, filter