08-07-10 Cougar, Grass Plantation

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08-07-10 Cougar, Grass Plantation

August 1, 2011

Cougar, Buckeye Cameras, Native Plants

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Maximillian Sunflower

field note map

river movements

ungulate browse study

Hawkweed control at MPG North

Hawkweed ID

Spurge Biocontrol

Spurge Biocontrol

Spurge Biocontrol Map

Planted grasses

slender wheatgrass

Basin wildrye

Weeds in the grass plantation

Grass plantation

Hawthorn rust

Black bear scat

Cow skull

Mutated hawthorn thorn

Golden wheat field

Foxtail barley

Mountain lion on MPG Ranch

Mountain lion on MPG Ranch

Mountain lion on MPG Ranch

White-tailed deer in the alfalfa field

White-tailed deer in the alfalfa field


Grasshopper thorax