Elk and Ungulate Monitoring

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Elk and Ungulate Monitoring

December 17, 2012

Teagan Hayes shares an update on Elk and ungulate monitoring efforts during November 2012.

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Elk and Ungulate Monitoring

Elk Observations in Nov 2012

MPG Ranch elk locations in November 2012.

November 7: Two bull elk recover from the rut in Section 16, near point 423.

Mule deer observations in Nov. 2012.

November 2012 mule deer observations continued.

MPG Ranch mule deer locations in November.

311. A mule deer buck sports an injury, possibly from the fall’s rut.

White-tail deer observations in Nov. 2012. The point column refers to the closest bird point count point.

11/28 9:11 1 Sainfoin bench 70 MPG Ranch white-tail deer locations in November.

Ground fog in the Bitterroot river bottom.

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