03-31-14 Field Note

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03-31-14 Field Note

March 31, 2014

Prairie Wolfe's Phenology Field Note shows signs of spring with the emergence of yarrow and sanfoin.

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Phenology Field Note MPG Ranch Prairie Wolfe March 2014

Phenology Map

After months of snow and cold weather, green leaves grace the landscape. Above: Sagebrush buttercup (Ranunculus glaberrimus, Floodplain) Below: Bitterroot (Lewisia redivia, Native)

Cheatgrass offers chromatic relief from the brown landscape (Bromus tectorum, Floodplain).

Yarrow leads the forbs in emergence (Achillea millefolium, Floodplain).

Despite open ground throughout most of the landscape, remaining snow drifts and icy conditions prevent me from driving to some of the higher plots. This hiking opportunity gives me a chance to examine plants in a greater area.

Previous Field Note

03-21-14 Field Note