06-10-11 Indigo Bunting, Coyote Pups

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06-10-11 Indigo Bunting, Coyote Pups

August 3, 2011

Indigo Bunting, Hummingbird Nest, Swainson Hawk, Coyote Pups, Owls, Ants, Sparrows

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Field Note by Eric Rasmussen and Kate Stone

A Calliope Hummingbird used spider silk to construct a nest

Three Say's Phoebe fledglings from the upper house nest

A rarely seen Swainson's Hawk hunts over MPG Ranch

curious coyote pup eyes Kerr

Coyote pup in den entrance and den location

mule deer fawn, blooming native forbs

rare indigo bunting is first reported in Missoula county

sunrise on the ranch

Flood displaced ants seek dry ground

Banding long-eared owlettes in Baldy Draw

variable ages in long-eared owls held ensure survival

Two yellow-breasted chats were captured in the floodplain