07-06-15 Phenology Field Note

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07-06-15 Phenology Field Note

July 6, 2015

Prairie Wolfe's phenology field note shows flowering grasses, threadleaf phaecelia, and carex smut.

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Phenology Field Note Flowering grasses, Threadleaf phacelia, Carex smut June 27, 2015 Prairie Wolfe

Phenology locations

Pink owl’s clover (Orthocarpus tenuifolius) often grows in sagebrush dominated shrub lands. This species, like others in the Broomrape family (Orobanchaceae), is partially parasitic and can acquire nutrients from other plants.

Delicate anthers dangle from the open flowers of Idaho fescue (Festuca idahoensis).

Bluebell phacelia (Phacelia campanularia, right) was planted throughout the Restoration Zone. Below, it blooms next to a naturally occurring threadleaf phacelia (Phacelea linearis). I hope to produce enough seed of our native phacelia species in a few years for use in largescale restoration efforts.

June is marked by flashy colors. Vibrant purple scorpionweed (Phacelia hastata) pairs nicely with Oregon sunshine (Eriophyllum lanatum).

The inflorescence of sulphur buckwheat (Eriogonum umbellatum) is known as a compound umbel. The individual flowers bloom from the outside in, and create rings of pink and white.

white. June grass (Koeleria macrantha) exhibits a markedly different form when actively flowering (left). A bright pink individual accents an otherwise blue stand of Penstemon wilcoxii.

While checking Carex filifolia for ripe seed, I noticed several heads with an apparent smut infection.

A spider makes use of a biscuitroot seed head for ready-made foundation for its web.