Habitat and Nest Requirements for Lewis's Woodpeckers

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Habitat and Nest Requirements for Lewis's Woodpeckers

December 26, 2012

Megan Fylling shares the Avian Science Center's 2012 Field Summary Report detailing habitat and nest requirements for Lewis's woodpeckers.

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This document summarizes the 2012 field effort for nesting Lewis’s Woodpeckers (Melanerpes lewis, LEWOs) on the MPG Ranch in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana.

During the summer, we monitored 30 nests for productivity in the study area.

Summary of findings specific to MPG Ranch

Lewis’s Woodpecker nest site in a partially live Black Cottonwood tree on the MPG Ranch

Maps of entire study area (top) and MPG Ranch (bottom) with Lewis’s Woodpecker nest locations.

Lewis's woodpecker Nest Locations.