08-28-15 Phenology Field Note

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08-28-15 Phenology Field Note

August 28, 2015

Prairie Wolfe's phenology field note shows wild tarragon blooms, rose hips, and chokecherry galls.

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Phenology Field Note Seasonal Fruits and Flowers August 28, 2015 Prairie Wolfe

Phenology locations

A population of antelope bitterbrush near the mouth of Whaley Draw yellows earlier than other populations (Purshia tridentata, Whaley).

Several high elevation chokecherry shrubs produced galls instead of fruit. Although the galls were empty by the time I inspected them, chances are they were caused by the chokecherry gall midge (Contarinia virginianae on Prunus virginiana, Baldy).

Many species flower for extended time periods. This annual tumble mustard near the floodplain is in it’s 14th week of flowering (Sisymbrium loeselii).

During a session of seed cleaning I discovered the culprit of the yarrow predation: a diminutive weevil.

After two and half months of bud development, wild tarragon blooms. These diminutive flowers often require a hand lens to determine phenological stage (Artemisia dracunculus ).

Fruit appears stunted and discolored on a snowberry stripped of its leaves (Symphoricarpos albus). The “Restoration” zone experiences high grasshopper numbers in areas adjacent to wheat fields.

A persistent blanket of smoke dampens the rich hues from changing ninebark, chokecherry, and Rocky Mountain maple.

The field crew weed-whacked spotted knapweed on Baldy to reduce seed production. The plants increased vegetative growth, creating vivid viridian orbs among the otherwise brown landscape (Centaurea stoebe).

Boundaries of herbicide application on the North Center Pivot emerged a few weeks after crews sprayed.
