Grassland Songbird Research Update
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Grassland Songbird Research Update
The University of Montana Bird Ecology Lab (UMBEL) is studying songbird reproductive success in managed grasslands on MPG Ranch to evaluate how restoration actions influence breeding birds. We are monitoring nests of Grasshopper Sparrow, Vesper Sparrow, and Western Meadowlark. We conducted a small feasibility effort in 2020 that we expanded in 2021 and 2022 to include three habitat management categories. In 2022, we also deployed Motus tags to document migration routes, wintering locations, and breeding site fidelity. We found fewer nests this year, possibly due to a cool, wet spring. An additional year of field data collection will increase our sample sizes to allow more robust nest survival analysis. We also recommend deploying more tags to build on our initial findings from the tagged birds we detected this fall.
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