Block title

Vegetation Monitoring
Plants constitute the essential core of the ecosystem. Without plants, habitat exists only as an inhospitable void. Knowing that vegetation plays such an integral part in ecosystem function, we keep a close eye on the current state and subsequent changes in vegetation. One facet of vegetation research is vegetation data collection across MPG.
A grid of 560 sampling points covers MPG, with each point separated by about 200 yards. We visit each point to gather data on plant communities. At each point we set up 4 transects, each 50 feet long. Botanists record the plant species encountered at each foot. The reports in this section discuss how we categorize plant communities and the relationships between plant communities and other kinds of organisms.
As we continue to layer data onto this sampling grid we will post new discussions of interactions between plant communities and new groups of organisms. Rebecca Durham, one of the botanists that conducted the original survey, is revisiting many of the points to document lichen and moss community composition.
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How Does Fire Retardant Influence Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi?

Vegetation Data Classification and Analysis Overview

Evaluation of Plant Community Changes on Knapweed Plots after Hand-pulling and Seeding

Research Projects
- Avian Ecology (389) Apply Avian Ecology filter
- Biocrusts, Lichen and Moss (34) Apply Biocrusts, Lichen and Moss filter
- Mammals (166) Apply Mammals filter
- Plant Phenology (47) Apply Plant Phenology filter
- Range Restoration (124) Apply Range Restoration filter
- Reptiles and Amphibians (28) Apply Reptiles and Amphibians filter
- Soils, Plants and Invasion (293) Apply Soils, Plants and Invasion filter
- (-) Remove Vegetation Monitoring filter Vegetation Monitoring
- Acoustic Monitoring (23) Apply Acoustic Monitoring filter
- American Kestrel Project (6) Apply American Kestrel Project filter
- Arachnids (1) Apply Arachnids filter
- Arbuscular Micorrhizal Fungi (9) Apply Arbuscular Micorrhizal Fungi filter
- Avian Education (13) Apply Avian Education filter
- Below Ground Fungal Communities (2) Apply Below Ground Fungal Communities filter
- Birds (210) Apply Birds filter
- Bitterroot Valley Winter Eagle Project (7) Apply Bitterroot Valley Winter Eagle Project filter
- Blood Lead Monitoring (1) Apply Blood Lead Monitoring filter
- Lewis's Woodpecker Project (20) Apply Lewis's Woodpecker Project filter
- Long Billed Curlew (8) Apply Long Billed Curlew filter
- Microbiome (7) Apply Microbiome filter
- Microbrial Soil Investigations (2) Apply Microbrial Soil Investigations filter
- Milkweed Focus Area (1) Apply Milkweed Focus Area filter
- MOTUS Avian (12) Apply MOTUS Avian filter
- Plants (240) Apply Plants filter
- Point Counts (6) Apply Point Counts filter
- Polinators (20) Apply Polinators filter
- Raptor Blood Lead Monitoring (4) Apply Raptor Blood Lead Monitoring filter
- Raptor Migration and Trapping (43) Apply Raptor Migration and Trapping filter
- Raptor Tracking (16) Apply Raptor Tracking filter
- Sage Thinning (1) Apply Sage Thinning filter
- Scavengers (2) Apply Scavengers filter
- Shrub and Tree Planting (2) Apply Shrub and Tree Planting filter
- Shrubby Draw Surveys (20) Apply Shrubby Draw Surveys filter
- Songbird Banding and Migration (43) Apply Songbird Banding and Migration filter
- Songbird Banding and Monitoring (14) Apply Songbird Banding and Monitoring filter
- Tree Swallow Project (1) Apply Tree Swallow Project filter
- Turkey Vulture Trapping (5) Apply Turkey Vulture Trapping filter
Block title
- alfalfa (3) Apply alfalfa filter
- American Beaver (3) Apply American Beaver filter
- American harebell (1) Apply American harebell filter
- American robin (1) Apply American robin filter
- antelope bitterbrush (6) Apply antelope bitterbrush filter
- Aphids (1) Apply Aphids filter
- arrowleaf balsamroot (3) Apply arrowleaf balsamroot filter
- aspen fleabane (2) Apply aspen fleabane filter
- Asters (1) Apply Asters filter
- Bark Beetles (1) Apply Bark Beetles filter
- basin wildrye (1) Apply basin wildrye filter
- bastard toadflax (1) Apply bastard toadflax filter
- Bees (1) Apply Bees filter
- big seed biscuitroot (1) Apply big seed biscuitroot filter
- bitterroot (1) Apply bitterroot filter
- black cottonwood (1) Apply black cottonwood filter
- black hawthorn (1) Apply black hawthorn filter
- bladder campion (1) Apply bladder campion filter
- blanket flower (4) Apply blanket flower filter
- blazing-star (1) Apply blazing-star filter
- blue-eyed mary (2) Apply blue-eyed mary filter
- blue gramma grass (1) Apply blue gramma grass filter
- blue wild rye (1) Apply blue wild rye filter
- bluebunch wheatgrass (3) Apply bluebunch wheatgrass filter
- Brown-headed cowbird (1) Apply Brown-headed cowbird filter
- Bufflehead (1) Apply Bufflehead filter
- Bullsnake (1) Apply Bullsnake filter
- Canada goose (1) Apply Canada goose filter
- cheatgrass (2) Apply cheatgrass filter
- chokecherry (4) Apply chokecherry filter
- Clarkia (1) Apply Clarkia filter
- coil-beaked lousewort (1) Apply coil-beaked lousewort filter
- common alumroot (1) Apply common alumroot filter
- Common merganser (1) Apply Common merganser filter
- common sunflower (2) Apply common sunflower filter
- cow parsnip (1) Apply cow parsnip filter
- Coyote (1) Apply Coyote filter
- Crested wheatgrass (4) Apply Crested wheatgrass filter
- curlycup gumweed (1) Apply curlycup gumweed filter
- cutleaf daisy (4) Apply cutleaf daisy filter
- death camas (1) Apply death camas filter
- douglas fir (1) Apply douglas fir filter
- Giant horsemint or hyssop (1) Apply Giant horsemint or hyssop filter
- glacier lily (2) Apply glacier lily filter
- golden buckwheat (1) Apply golden buckwheat filter
- gray hawksbeard (1) Apply gray hawksbeard filter
- gray rabbitbrush (1) Apply gray rabbitbrush filter
- green rabbitbrush (1) Apply green rabbitbrush filter
- hairy golden aster (1) Apply hairy golden aster filter
- harsh paintbrush (1) Apply harsh paintbrush filter
- heartleaf arnica (1) Apply heartleaf arnica filter
- larkspur (2) Apply larkspur filter
- leafy bluebell (1) Apply leafy bluebell filter
- leafy spurge (2) Apply leafy spurge filter
- Lewis's woodpecker (1) Apply Lewis's woodpecker filter
- longleaf fleabane (1) Apply longleaf fleabane filter
- low pussytoes (2) Apply low pussytoes filter
- Mallard (1) Apply Mallard filter
- mock orange (1) Apply mock orange filter
- Monarch butterfly (1) Apply Monarch butterfly filter
- moth mullein (1) Apply moth mullein filter
- Mountain maple (2) Apply Mountain maple filter
- Mule Deer (1) Apply Mule Deer filter
- narrowleaved montia (1) Apply narrowleaved montia filter
- needle and thread (1) Apply needle and thread filter
- nine-leaf lomatiun (2) Apply nine-leaf lomatiun filter
- ninebark (2) Apply ninebark filter
- Nodding onion (1) Apply Nodding onion filter
- North American Porcupine (1) Apply North American Porcupine filter
- northern miner's candle (1) Apply northern miner's candle filter
- Nuttall's rockcress (1) Apply Nuttall's rockcress filter
- Painted Turtle (1) Apply Painted Turtle filter
- Pearly everlasting (1) Apply Pearly everlasting filter
- Pearly pussytoes (2) Apply Pearly pussytoes filter
- phlox (1) Apply phlox filter
- pinegrass (1) Apply pinegrass filter
- ponderosa pine (4) Apply ponderosa pine filter
- prairie sagewort (1) Apply prairie sagewort filter
- prarie kittentails (1) Apply prarie kittentails filter
- quackgrass (1) Apply quackgrass filter
- quaking aspen (4) Apply quaking aspen filter
- rocky mountain juniper (1) Apply rocky mountain juniper filter
- roses (1) Apply roses filter
- Rosy pussy-toes (1) Apply Rosy pussy-toes filter
- rough fescue (1) Apply rough fescue filter
- round-leaf alumroot (1) Apply round-leaf alumroot filter
- russian wildrye (1) Apply russian wildrye filter
- sandberg's bluegrass (2) Apply sandberg's bluegrass filter
- scarlet beeblossom (1) Apply scarlet beeblossom filter
- scarlet paintbrush (2) Apply scarlet paintbrush filter
- Serviceberry, Saskatoon (3) Apply Serviceberry, Saskatoon filter
- silky lupine (4) Apply silky lupine filter
- silverleaf phacelia (1) Apply silverleaf phacelia filter
- silvery lupine (1) Apply silvery lupine filter
- Skipper Butterflies (1) Apply Skipper Butterflies filter
- slender cinquefoil (2) Apply slender cinquefoil filter
- Small-leaf pussytoes (1) Apply Small-leaf pussytoes filter
- snowberry (4) Apply snowberry filter
- spotted knapweed (7) Apply spotted knapweed filter
- Spreading dogbane (1) Apply Spreading dogbane filter
- Stinkbugs and Shield bugs (1) Apply Stinkbugs and Shield bugs filter
- sulphur buckwheat (1) Apply sulphur buckwheat filter
- sulphur cinquefoil (1) Apply sulphur cinquefoil filter
- thread-leaf phacelia (1) Apply thread-leaf phacelia filter
- Tree swallow (1) Apply Tree swallow filter
- tumble mustard (1) Apply tumble mustard filter
- utah honeysuckle (1) Apply utah honeysuckle filter
- Vesper sparrow (2) Apply Vesper sparrow filter
- virginia strawberry (1) Apply virginia strawberry filter
- wavy-leaf thistle (1) Apply wavy-leaf thistle filter
- wax currant (1) Apply wax currant filter
- Weevils (1) Apply Weevils filter
- western larch (1) Apply western larch filter
- western virgin's bower (1) Apply western virgin's bower filter
- Western yarrow (3) Apply Western yarrow filter
- wheat (1) Apply wheat filter
- white hawkweed (1) Apply white hawkweed filter
- White pine (1) Apply White pine filter
- white spirea (1) Apply white spirea filter
- White-tailed Deer (1) Apply White-tailed Deer filter
- wild tarragon (1) Apply wild tarragon filter
- Wild turkey (2) Apply Wild turkey filter
- wood's rose (1) Apply wood's rose filter
- Wood duck (1) Apply Wood duck filter
- Woodland Star (1) Apply Woodland Star filter
- yellow bell (2) Apply yellow bell filter
- yellow salsify (1) Apply yellow salsify filter
- yellowmonkeyflower (1) Apply yellowmonkeyflower filter
- Rebecca Durham (15) Apply Rebecca Durham filter
- Jeff Clarke (7) Apply Jeff Clarke filter
- Dan Mummey (4) Apply Dan Mummey filter
- 43 (3) Apply 43 filter
- Mike McTee (3) Apply Mike McTee filter
- Lauren Stoffel (2) Apply Lauren Stoffel filter
- 22 (1) Apply 22 filter
- Eric Rasmussen (1) Apply Eric Rasmussen filter
- Nate Gordon (1) Apply Nate Gordon filter
- Nathan Gordon (1) Apply Nathan Gordon filter
- Staff (1) Apply Staff filter
- Ylva Lekberg (1) Apply Ylva Lekberg filter