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09-20-13 Bird Field Note
September 20th, 2013
Field Note
10-31-13 Bird Field Note
October 31st, 2013
Field Note
Research Projects
- Acoustic Monitoring (18) Apply Acoustic Monitoring filter
- American Kestrel Project (2) Apply American Kestrel Project filter
- Arbuscular Micorrhizal Fungi (2) Apply Arbuscular Micorrhizal Fungi filter
- Avian Education (5) Apply Avian Education filter
- Birds (32) Apply Birds filter
- Bitterroot Valley Winter Eagle Project (1) Apply Bitterroot Valley Winter Eagle Project filter
- There are no available items that begin with these letters.
Block title
- American kestrel (12) Apply American kestrel filter
- American Marten (1) Apply American Marten filter
- American pipit (2) Apply American pipit filter
- American redstart (3) Apply American redstart filter
- American robin (4) Apply American robin filter
- American tree sparrow (1) Apply American tree sparrow filter
- antelope bitterbrush (4) Apply antelope bitterbrush filter
- arrowleaf balsamroot (2) Apply arrowleaf balsamroot filter
- Bald eagle (12) Apply Bald eagle filter
- Big Brown Bat (1) Apply Big Brown Bat filter
- bitterroot (1) Apply bitterroot filter
- Black Bear (1) Apply Black Bear filter
- Black-billed magpie (3) Apply Black-billed magpie filter
- Black-capped chickadee (1) Apply Black-capped chickadee filter
- Black-chinned Hummingbird (1) Apply Black-chinned Hummingbird filter
- black cottonwood (1) Apply black cottonwood filter
- Bohemian waxwing (1) Apply Bohemian waxwing filter
- Brewer's blackbird (1) Apply Brewer's blackbird filter
- Bufflehead (1) Apply Bufflehead filter
- Bullock's oriole (1) Apply Bullock's oriole filter
- Bullsnake (1) Apply Bullsnake filter
- California Quail (1) Apply California Quail filter
- Calliope hummingbird (1) Apply Calliope hummingbird filter
- Cassin's vireo (1) Apply Cassin's vireo filter
- Cedar waxwing (2) Apply Cedar waxwing filter
- Chipping sparrow (7) Apply Chipping sparrow filter
- chokecherry (1) Apply chokecherry filter
- Cicadas (1) Apply Cicadas filter
- Cliff swallow (1) Apply Cliff swallow filter
- Columbian Ground Squirrel (1) Apply Columbian Ground Squirrel filter
- common dandelion (1) Apply common dandelion filter
- Common nighthawk (1) Apply Common nighthawk filter
- Common poorwill (2) Apply Common poorwill filter
- Common raven (1) Apply Common raven filter
- Common yellowthroat (3) Apply Common yellowthroat filter
- Cooper's hawk (11) Apply Cooper's hawk filter
- Coyote (2) Apply Coyote filter
- Dark-eyed junco (4) Apply Dark-eyed junco filter
- death camas (1) Apply death camas filter
- Downy woodpecker (1) Apply Downy woodpecker filter
- Dusky flycatcher (2) Apply Dusky flycatcher filter
- Dusky grouse (4) Apply Dusky grouse filter
- glacier lily (1) Apply glacier lily filter
- Golden-crowned kinglet (1) Apply Golden-crowned kinglet filter
- Golden eagle (22) Apply Golden eagle filter
- Golden Eagles (1) Apply Golden Eagles filter
- Grasshopper sparrow (1) Apply Grasshopper sparrow filter
- Gray catbird (1) Apply Gray catbird filter
- Gray partridge (2) Apply Gray partridge filter
- Great blue heron (1) Apply Great blue heron filter
- Great horned owl (5) Apply Great horned owl filter
- Hermit thrush (1) Apply Hermit thrush filter
- Horned lark (3) Apply Horned lark filter
- House finch (1) Apply House finch filter
- House wren (2) Apply House wren filter
- There are no available items that begin with these letters.
- Lazuli bunting (4) Apply Lazuli bunting filter
- leafy spurge (1) Apply leafy spurge filter
- Lewis's woodpecker (5) Apply Lewis's woodpecker filter
- Long-billed curlew (2) Apply Long-billed curlew filter
- Long-eared Bat (1) Apply Long-eared Bat filter
- Long-eared owl (4) Apply Long-eared owl filter
- Long-legged Bat (1) Apply Long-legged Bat filter
- Long-tailed Weasel (1) Apply Long-tailed Weasel filter
- MacGillivray's warbler (2) Apply MacGillivray's warbler filter
- Merlin (5) Apply Merlin filter
- Mountain bluebird (7) Apply Mountain bluebird filter
- Mountain Cottontail (1) Apply Mountain Cottontail filter
- Mountain Lion (1) Apply Mountain Lion filter
- Mourning dove (3) Apply Mourning dove filter
- Mule Deer (1) Apply Mule Deer filter
- Northern flicker (2) Apply Northern flicker filter
- Northern goshawk (5) Apply Northern goshawk filter
- Northern harrier (8) Apply Northern harrier filter
- Northern Pygmy-owl (4) Apply Northern Pygmy-owl filter
- Northern saw-whet owl (4) Apply Northern saw-whet owl filter
- Northern shrike (1) Apply Northern shrike filter
- Olive-sided flycatcher (1) Apply Olive-sided flycatcher filter
- Orange-crowned warbler (4) Apply Orange-crowned warbler filter
- Osprey (12) Apply Osprey filter
- Pileated woodpecker (2) Apply Pileated woodpecker filter
- ponderosa pine (2) Apply ponderosa pine filter
- Prairie falcon (9) Apply Prairie falcon filter
- prairie smoke (1) Apply prairie smoke filter
- Pygmy nuthatch (1) Apply Pygmy nuthatch filter
- Red-breasted nuthatch (3) Apply Red-breasted nuthatch filter
- Red-naped sapsucker (3) Apply Red-naped sapsucker filter
- Red-tailed hawk (19) Apply Red-tailed hawk filter
- Rock wren (2) Apply Rock wren filter
- rocky mountain juniper (1) Apply rocky mountain juniper filter
- roses (1) Apply roses filter
- Rough-legged hawk (8) Apply Rough-legged hawk filter
- Ruby-crowned kinglet (4) Apply Ruby-crowned kinglet filter
- Ruffed grouse (1) Apply Ruffed grouse filter
- Rufous hummingbird (1) Apply Rufous hummingbird filter
- Sandhill crane (2) Apply Sandhill crane filter
- Savannah sparrow (2) Apply Savannah sparrow filter
- Say's phoebe (1) Apply Say's phoebe filter
- scarlet paintbrush (1) Apply scarlet paintbrush filter
- Sharp-shinned hawk (10) Apply Sharp-shinned hawk filter
- Silver Haired Bat (1) Apply Silver Haired Bat filter
- Snowshoe Hare (1) Apply Snowshoe Hare filter
- Song sparrow (3) Apply Song sparrow filter
- Spotted sandpiper (1) Apply Spotted sandpiper filter
- Spotted towhee (3) Apply Spotted towhee filter
- Steller's jay (1) Apply Steller's jay filter
- Swainson's thrush (4) Apply Swainson's thrush filter
- Tiger Moths (1) Apply Tiger Moths filter
- Townsend's solitaire (1) Apply Townsend's solitaire filter
- Tree swallow (2) Apply Tree swallow filter
- Turkey vulture (7) Apply Turkey vulture filter
- Varied Thrush (1) Apply Varied Thrush filter
- Vesper sparrow (9) Apply Vesper sparrow filter
- Western bluebird (3) Apply Western bluebird filter
- Western kingbird (1) Apply Western kingbird filter
- Western meadowlark (3) Apply Western meadowlark filter
- Western tanager (3) Apply Western tanager filter
- White-breasted nuthatch (1) Apply White-breasted nuthatch filter
- White-crowned sparrow (4) Apply White-crowned sparrow filter
- Wild turkey (4) Apply Wild turkey filter
- Willow flycatcher (1) Apply Willow flycatcher filter
- Wilson's snipe (1) Apply Wilson's snipe filter
- Wilson's warbler (2) Apply Wilson's warbler filter
- Yellow-pine Chipmunk (1) Apply Yellow-pine Chipmunk filter
- Yellow-rumped warbler (7) Apply Yellow-rumped warbler filter
- Yellow warbler (1) Apply Yellow warbler filter
- (-) Remove Debbie Leick filter Debbie Leick
- (-) Remove Adam Shreading filter Adam Shreading
- (-) Remove Alexii Cornel filter Alexii Cornel
- (-) Remove Skyler Burrows filter Skyler Burrows
- Jeff Clarke (221) Apply Jeff Clarke filter
- Kate Stone (180) Apply Kate Stone filter
- Rebecca Durham (139) Apply Rebecca Durham filter
- Eric Rasmussen (122) Apply Eric Rasmussen filter
- Ylva Lekberg (100) Apply Ylva Lekberg filter
- Dan Mummey (93) Apply Dan Mummey filter
- 46 (71) Apply 46 filter
- Philip W. Ramsey (54) Apply Philip W. Ramsey filter
- Mike McTee (40) Apply Mike McTee filter
- Prairie Wolfe (31) Apply Prairie Wolfe filter
- Rebecca Durham Whithed (30) Apply Rebecca Durham Whithed filter
- Lorinda Bullington (28) Apply Lorinda Bullington filter
- 22 (27) Apply 22 filter
- 37 (26) Apply 37 filter
- Staff (26) Apply Staff filter
- Megan Fylling (24) Apply Megan Fylling filter
- 43 (22) Apply 43 filter
- Beau Larkin (21) Apply Beau Larkin filter
- Craig Jourdonnais (18) Apply Craig Jourdonnais filter
- RVRI (16) Apply RVRI filter
- Jeff Clark (14) Apply Jeff Clark filter
- Alan Ramsey (12) Apply Alan Ramsey filter
- Lauren Stoffel (12) Apply Lauren Stoffel filter
- Jeffrey Pippen (10) Apply Jeffrey Pippen filter
- Tricia Rodriguez (10) Apply Tricia Rodriguez filter
- UMBEL (10) Apply UMBEL filter
- 48 (9) Apply 48 filter
- Anna Noson (9) Apply Anna Noson filter
- Lorinda Hunt (9) Apply Lorinda Hunt filter
- Mary Scofield (9) Apply Mary Scofield filter
- Tanner Banks (8) Apply Tanner Banks filter
- Morgan McLeod (7) Apply Morgan McLeod filter
- Raptor View Research Institute (7) Apply Raptor View Research Institute filter
- Carrie Voss (6) Apply Carrie Voss filter
- Mary Ellyn DuPre (6) Apply Mary Ellyn DuPre filter
- Nathan Gordon (6) Apply Nathan Gordon filter
- Philip Ramsey (6) Apply Philip Ramsey filter
- Dean Pearson (5) Apply Dean Pearson filter
- Lauren Shreading (5) Apply Lauren Shreading filter
- Maggie Blake (5) Apply Maggie Blake filter
- Maggie Hirschauer (5) Apply Maggie Hirschauer filter
- Mat Seidensticker (5) Apply Mat Seidensticker filter
- Nate Gordon (5) Apply Nate Gordon filter
- Rob Domenech (5) Apply Rob Domenech filter
- Rob Domenench (5) Apply Rob Domenench filter
- Dan Venturella (4) Apply Dan Venturella filter
- Yiva Lekberg (4) Apply Yiva Lekberg filter