2016 Fourth of July Butterfly Count
Block title
On Tuesday, July 5th, fifteen volunteers and interns came to MPG for the annual Fourth of July Butterfly Count. This is a citizen-science event registered with the North American Butterfly Association (NABA). The data collected during these counts, which occur through North America, yield information about butterfly species distributions and their relative population sizes.
Cool temperatures early in the day made the butterflies sluggish. We worried that this would
keep them from flying and make them difficult to count. But the group persisted, and as the day warmed, more and more of the little insects grew active and took flight.
The participants counted butterflies at three sites: two on the summit of Baldy Mountain, and one in the Woodchuck Creek drainage.
This fresh Milbert’s Tortoiseshell butterfly was a nice find on the top of Mount Baldy.
2016 MPG Butterfly Count Species List Totals |
July 5th, 2016 |
Count |
Common Name |
Latin Name |
Swallowtails |
47 |
Rocky Mountain Parnassian |
Parnassius smintheus |
4 |
Old World Swallowtail |
Papilio machaon |
2 |
Western Tiger Swallowtail |
Papilio rutulus |
12 |
Two-tailed Swallowtail |
Papilio multicaudata |
4 |
Pale Swallowtail |
Papilio eurymedon |
11 |
unidentified swallowtails |
Whites and Sulphurs |
2 |
Becker's White |
Pontia beckerii |
5 |
Western White |
Pontia occidentalis |
12 |
Cabbage White |
Pieris rapae |
29 |
unidentified whites |
6 |
Clouded Sulphur |
Colias philodice |
2 |
Orange Sulphur |
Colias eurytheme |
4 |
unidentified sulphurs |
Coppers and Hairstreaks |
7 |
Blue Copper |
Lycaena heteronea |
1 |
Coral Hairstreak |
Satyrium titus |
1 |
Grey Hairstreak |
Strymon melinus |
4 |
Ancilla Dotted Blue |
Euphilotes enoptes |
8 |
Northern Blue |
Lycaeides idas |
4 |
Melissa Blue |
Lycaeides melissa |
2 |
Boisduval's Blue |
Plebejus icarioides |
1 |
Acmon Blue |
Plebejus acmon |
9 |
unidentified blues |
Brushfoots |
1 |
Edwards' Fritillary |
Speyeria edwardsii |
2 |
Callippe Fritillary |
Speyeria callippe |
6 |
unknown fritillaries |
1 |
Northern Checkerspot |
Chlosyne palla |
6 |
Snowberry Checkerspot |
Euphydryas chalcedona colon |
3 |
Northern Crescent |
Phyciodes selenis |
1 |
unknown crescent |
1 |
unknown comma |
1 |
Mourning Cloak |
Nymphalis antiopa |
2 |
Milbert's Tortoiseshell |
Nymphalis milberti |
8 |
Lorquin's Admiral |
Limenitis lorquini |
4 |
Common Wood-nymph |
Cercyonis pegala |
73 |
Small Wood-Nymph |
Cercyonis oetus |
3 |
unknown wood-nymphs |
1 |
Chryxus Arctic |
Oeneis chryxus |
Skippers |
4 |
Common Branded-Skipper |
Hesperia comma |
9 |
Western Branded-Skipper |
Hesperia comma colorado |
2 |
European Skipper |
Thymelicus lineola |
11 |
unindentified skippers |
Total # butterflies: 317 |
Total # species: 32 |